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UNICEF's Learning Think Pieces: Promoting Fresh and Cutting-Edge Thinking

The UNICEF Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) Regional Office is currently seeking applications for its Learning Think Pieces that aims to promote fresh and cutting-edge thinking on how to improve the quality of education in the ESA region.

Residencia Local USA, New York
Presupuesto USD 1500
Fecha de inicio del Proyecto 31 Dec 1969

Mas sobre UNICEF's Learning Think Pieces: Promoting Fresh and Cutting-Edge Thinking


  • To stimulate new debate and reflections in advancing quality education and learning
  • To stimulate new debate and reflections in advancing quality education and learning
  • To ensure that all UNICEF ESA work is underpinned by an aim to reform education systems to focus on learning.
    A good Think Piece will look like:
  • A good Think Piece will look like:
  • A clear stance: demonstrated through what an author thinks is/isn’t working and why.
  • Fresh ideas: demonstrated through suggestions as to what needs to change, what should be different or what direction should be taken.
  • Links to learning: all critiques, suggestions and ideas should be underpinned by an aim to improve learning.

Topic Areas

  • Improving classroom practice
  • Teacher performance
  • School improvement
  • Accountability and system reform
  • Inclusion and disability
  • Parents and caretakers
  • Reforming curriculum
  • Learning assessment systems
  • Education in emergencies
  • Life skills
  • Pre-primary education
  • Gender and equity

Eligibility Criteria

  • The Think Pieces are for:
    • Primary audience includes UNICEF education specialists within the 21 Eastern and Southern Africa region country offices.
    • Secondary audience includes national and international education professionals, which consists of education ministry actors, other UNICEF offices/colleagues, development partners, I/NGOs, academics, consultants, etc.
  • Individuals as well as pairs or groups are eligible to submit a proposal
  • Authors should have salient experience working in education systems in sub-Sharan Africa and/or other developing country contexts
  • Although not a prerequisite, authors should be recognized within the development community as leading in their field
  • Authors can be of any nationality and can be academic professionals, practitioners, consultants or staff of donors, NGOs or other organizations involved in development. UNICEF particularly welcomes applicants from Africa and the Global South.
Información adicional
Nombre de la Compañia Amazonia Global
Residencia Local USA, New York
Fase del Proyecto nuevo
Presupuesto Mínimo $1200
Presupuesto Máximo $1500
Fecha de inicio del Proyecto
Fecha de finalización del Proyecto 2020-03-20

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  1. Eduardo Mejia 06/01/2022 13:36
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi mi erat, fermentum at sodales et, pulvinar eget neque. Curabitur vestibulum hendrerit feugiat. Fusce suscipit libero in interdum interdum. Sed nisi nibh, euismod non ipsum et, accumsan mollis neque. Aliquam vulputate diam porttitor ligula molestie, quis posuere neque lacinia.
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