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The Inter-American Foundation (IAF) invites proposals for its grant program. The IAF funds the self-help efforts of grassroots groups in Latin America and the Caribbean to improve living conditions of the disadvantaged and the excluded, to enhance capacity for decision-making and self-governance, and to develop partnerships with the public sector, business and civil society. The IAF does not identify problems or suggest projects. Instead it responds to initiatives presented. Projects are selected for funding on their merits rather than by sector.

Residencia Local USA, New York
Presupuesto USD 1500
Fecha de inicio del Proyecto 31 Dec 1969



•             The IAF only supports projects in independent countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.

•             Funding in the Caribbean is currently restricted to Haiti, the Dominican Republic and Jamaica.

•             There is no cost to submit a grant proposal.


There is no deadline to submit a proposal. Proposals may be submitted throughout the year and will be reviewed as they are received. All submissions must conform to the guidelines posted here.



The IAF looks for the following in a project it funds:

•             innovative solutions to development problems

•             creative use of the community's resources

•             diverse array of community voices in project development and execution

•             substantial beneficiary engagement in:

  • the identification of the problem addressed
  • the approach chosen to solve it
  • the design of the project
  • management and evaluation of activities

•             partnerships with local government, the business community and other civil society organizations

•             potential for strengthening all participating organizations and their partnerships

•             feasibility

•             evidence of eventual sustainability

•             counterpart contributions from the proponent, the beneficiaries and other sources

•             the potential to generate learning

•             measurable results

•             evidence of beneficiaries' enhanced capacity for self-governance

The following are INELIGIBLE for IAF grants:

•             proposals presented or directed by government entities

•             proposals from individuals

•             proposals presented or directed by entities outside the country in which the project is located

•             proposals from groups that do not contribute financial or in-kind resources to the proposed activities

•             proposals associated with political parties or partisan movements

•             purely religious or sectarian activities

•             pure research

•             welfare projects of any kind

•             charitable institutions

•             proposals solely for construction and/or equipment

•             requests for grants under US$25,000 or more than US$400,000

•             projects whose objectives do not encourage a shared capacity for self-help


Applications in Spanish, Portuguese, English, French or Haitian Creole are accepted throughout the year. Mailed applications should be sent directly to the Inter-American Foundation, Program Office. The IAF will not accept applications submitted by fax. Applications can be sent via e-mail to E-mailed applications must include the country of submission on the subject line.

The initial review will take five months and will yield a small number of projects to be analyzed further through site visits. Proponents no longer under consideration will be notified. Depending on the complexity of the project and the number of site visits required, reviews of successful proposals may take up to 12 months.

Please visit the FAQ or contact the foundation representative for your country if you have any questions.

Note: The proposals mailbox should send an automatic response when the email with your proposal is received. If you do not receive this response, check your spam mailbox. If the response is not found there you may email to receive confirmation.



The IAF's application has three required parts:

•             Part 1: Cover Sheet

This must be completed with the requested information.

•             Part 2: Narrative

Responses to the questions cannot exceed 10 pages double-spaced in 12-point Arial font.

•             Part 3: Budget

Follow the model in the application

 IMPORTANT: Proposals that exceed the above parameters will be rejected. Failure to submit all required material results in disqualification.

Nombre de la Compañia Amazonia Global
Residencia Local USA, New York
Fase del Proyecto nuevo
Presupuesto Mínimo $1200
Presupuesto Máximo $1500
Fecha de inicio del Proyecto
Fecha de finalización del Proyecto 2020-03-20
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Copyrights © Todos los derechos reservados por: EKOLOGICA una Corporación de Beneficio Público..
  1. Ronald Calderón 06/01/2022 13:36
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi mi erat, fermentum at sodales et, pulvinar eget neque. Curabitur vestibulum hendrerit feugiat. Fusce suscipit libero in interdum interdum. Sed nisi nibh, euismod non ipsum et, accumsan mollis neque. Aliquam vulputate diam porttitor ligula molestie, quis posuere neque lacinia.
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